An Excess of Phobias and Manias, C-G

Cynophobia/kynophobia: Also, fear of dogs.

epistemophobia, gnosiophobia, sophophobia: fear of knowledge.

Ethnomania: Extreme enthusiasm for racial autonomy.

felinophobia: An abnormal fear or dread of cats; often with some justification.

The scenes described here represent an actual attack by a cat on a postal-delivery woman
in Germany; whenever she tried to deliver the mail. According to a German TV presentation,
the cat’s owner was sitting in his home with his phobic cat on his lap and
as a visiting postal-woman tried to pet the cat, it responded by violently striking
out at her. Did the cat resent an invaison of its territory or did it simply have
an abnormal hatred for uniforms?

Whatever the reason for the cat’s behavior, its owner had to pick up his mail
at a neighborhood bar because he refused to restrict the freedom of his cat to come
and go whenever it desired.

gallophobia: An excessive fear of France or anything having to do with France
including its language and culture.

Foreign relations are like human relations.

They are endless.

The solution of one problem usually leads to another.

-James Reston

gametophobia, gamophobia: An exaggerated fear of being married.

gamomania, gamonomania: 1. A morbid desire to get married which may include
polygamy. 2. A form of insanity characterized by extravagant or outrageous proposals
of marriage.

To marry once is a duty, twice a folly, thrice is madness.

-Dutch Proverb

God help the man who won’t marry until he finds a perfect woman,

and God help him even more if he finds her.

-Benjamin Tillett

gatophobia: An irrational dread of cats.

One of the most striking differences between a cat and a lie

is that a cat has only nine lives.

-Mark Twain

: The fear of laughter

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